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Report #76037

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight EXS69Z
Member Stephen James
Date 28th February 2022
Aircraft Concorde
Flight Time 02:25
Landing Rate -371
Network Offline
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Gran Canaria Airport (GCLP)
Arrival Leeds Bradford Airport (EGNM)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Stephen James (UNI542)

Pilot of this Report

I had to go and take care of something just before TOD (subsonic TOD!), so ended up missing it. This put me very high and after a quick dive down, I ended up becoming unstable on short finals which resulted in a (far to late) go around and a rejected landing with a touchdown of -794fpm. I did visual circuit to land at a more acceptable rate. I realise the first touchdown was more than the regulations allow and so I understand if this causes my PIREP to be rejected. Lessons learned: I should have paused the flight and come back to it at a later stage. The approach was fairly stable until around 200 ft at which point I should have gone around rather than risk a hard landing. I self positioned onto the ILS which is not exactly ideal (I did remain above MSA until visual) and I should have given myself more miles on the approach to get more comfortable.

Ryan UK virtual (UNI154)


Will let you off on this occasion, but in future it will be rejected ;-)

Stephen James (UNI542)

Pilot of this Report

Understood - many thanks :-)

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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