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Flight Report Information

Report #62167

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight UKT53S
Member Mikael Glazier
Date 18th May 2021
Aircraft Any General Aviation Aircraft
Flight Time 01:29
Landing Rate -18881
Network Offline
Status Rejected
Please see the comments for more information.

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Full Sutton (RAF) (EGNU)
Arrival Newcastle Airport (EGNT)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Mikael Glazier (UNI2132)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Gonna submit this as there was clearly a glitch PA28 III landed at between 100-200 fpm, crashes turned on in fs2020 and i taxied to gate :)))) I have a skydemon report that shows i didnt faceplant the airport if you want to see it but it doesnt record landing rate.

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

[19:43:51] Landed at 2kts, with 103kgs of fuel on board and at -18881fpm Hi Mikael, I'm probably the most leanient of the lot but I can't accept this PIREP, I'm sorry. The Tracker records only what the sim outputs and that record shows you came into contact with the ground at 2kts of forward airspeed, at 18000fpm. This can only indicate you dropped onto the ground vertically. If you can show me a record of your landing rate from another app, I will reverse the decision.

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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