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Report #53687

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight UNI1146
Member Wil De Boer
Date 23rd November 2020
Aircraft Airbus A320
Flight Time 01:40:36
Landing Rate -221
Network VATSIM
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Alghero / Fertilia Airport (LIEA)
Arrival Malta Airport (LMML)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

never had a thunderstorm like this on malta appr.

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

Hey Wil... were the stalls on approach due to weather or low speed?

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

yes , on approach the thunderstorms where so heavy ,I had to disengaged the AP and land visual. Because of that and not 100% familiair with the bus, causes the stall. was able to recover it quickly and made a save hand made landing. After years Boeing the Bus is not automatism but its getting better. roller-coaster landings are not the best ones :-)

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

No problem Wil. Just try and avoid stalls in a jet as it's usually a rejection event. The bus doesn't like an approach below 130kts so I tend to hold 140kts till 100ft, bleed another 10kts and idle at 30ft, flare at 20-15ft.

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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