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Report #50948

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight WTO28N
Member Ross Gunn
Date 4th September 2020
Aircraft Boeing 787
Flight Time 03:42:28
Landing Rate -12969
Network VATSIM
Status Rejected
Please see the comments for more information.

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Jinnah International Airport (OPKC)
Arrival Cochin International Airport (VOCI)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Ross Gunn (UNI891)

Pilot of this Report

ok so i am guessing the 787 is not ready to be used with the track -12969 is that even possible in sim as you can see from the flight tracker it says i landed even when i was still in the air at 3000ft ???? the flight tracker seems to be confused with the 787 i will hang fire on the next flight in the tour incase you want me to re do this one and will use A320 instead. The tracking history is a bit weird "landing shortly" then straight away -12967 ??

Ryan UK virtual (UNI154)


Hi Ross. Unfortunately we can only go from the data we are provided, which is what we have used for the last 7+ years with our flight tracker. While it does have its small issues that we are aware of, what your flight report suggests is an autopilot disconnect 40768ft then for whatever reason as sharp left turn dropping to 9800 with the lowest altitude recorded of 518ft before the aircraft climbed back up, did a loop and returned on course. This is backed up with on overspeed after the Autopilot Disconnect, what appears to be a crash of some form ( which is the 12969fpm landing rate ) and then the 20 minute climb back to cruise. As I say we can only go off the data we are provided from the tracker which is largely reliable, this is in no means an accusation or disagreement with your comment above, but what I have described above is what we believe to have happened. The tracker only logs a landing rate when it comes into contact with the ground or a ground building.

Ryan UK virtual (UNI154)


If you were away from cockpit during the time of the unexplanined descent, that would explain the crash into the ground. We would like to remind you that pilots should not be away from the aircraft for 30 minutes and in short periods to avoid issues, especially with a new simulator. Therefore this flight is being rejected for the reasons explained above, which is regretful as its not a short flight, but it will need to be reflown to comply with our small regulations. This decision is not just mine; myself, Tony and Chris had a meeting together and came to the same conclusion this afternoon after working through the data. Kind Regards, Ryan

Ross Gunn (UNI891)

Pilot of this Report

no worrys Ryan thanks for that i am going to take the 787 mod off and refly it and see how it works without the mod to enhance it. Its all good no need to apologise thank you for the reply

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