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Flight Report Information

Report #45649

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight EZY1977
Member James Burgess
Date 4th April 2020
Aircraft Airbus A321
Flight Time 04:46:35
Landing Rate -301
Network VATSIM
Status Rejected
Please see the comments for more information.

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Manchester Airport (EGCC)
Arrival Corfu International Airport (LGKR)
DEXEN UY124 AMPIT L15 HON L10 BPK/N0433F230 L10 LAM/N0451F330 L10 DVR/N0453F310 L10 RINTI/N0450F330 UL10 LESDO UL15 BEGAR/N0448F350 Q341 RESIA/N0452F290 T415 UTAME Q772 TIGRA

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Ryan UK virtual (UNI154)


Hi James, as explained in the rules of the competition you must fly the Easyjet Livery for the flights. Therefore I am having to reject your flight however iv'e added your hours onto the previous flight, DLH976, as I assume this was a mistake on your part.

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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