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Report #43837

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight UNI1868
Member Paul Hignett
Date 14th February 2020
Aircraft Airbus A319
Flight Time 02:09:03
Landing Rate -211
Network VATSIM
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Alicante International Airport (LEAL)
Arrival Rome Fiumicino International Airport (LIRF)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

Rejection reason: Charter mode used when a schedule exists between LEAL and LIRF - RYR4029 and VLG1366

Paul Hignett (UNI1868)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

These flights don't exist! I've checked departures from leal to lirf and there are none!

Paul Hignett (UNI1868)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Finally found them, doesn't help that if you look for departing flights from leal it does NOT list any to lirf. Doesn't make sense!

Paul Hignett (UNI1868)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Type in leal and leave destination blank... Where are these flights?

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

Paul, unfortunately, the search facility only lists the first 50 flights based on a search criteria. This is clearly indicated on the page so you need to search for the dep and arr criteria to avoid missing a valid schedule. It's on my list of things to recode but when I get time. I'll accept this PIREP as a goodwill gesture but please ensure in future, you search for both ICAO's before flying charter. If you are flying a specific airline, you can use the search facility for just a departure on the Airline page to see ALL of the airports that airline flies to but on the Terminal search, it's restricted to 50 results for now.

Paul Hignett (UNI1868)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Tony, really sorry. I missed that but. I assumed it was listing ALL available flights. Will definitely keep that in mind for future. Still early days for me but good to know. Appreciate your discretion too. I understand things are being worked on for the future, but I would add.. I've been simming for years and just came back after an unscheduled break and this VA is fantastic to what I've seen before. Regardless of any upgrade its a brilliant format and so detailed. Love it. Vatsim has changed a little to.. For the better. Thanks again.. Blue Skies buddy.

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

Appreciate the feedback, Paul, thank you. We continuously try to develop things for the better and are currently building a new tracker to replace the outdated Kacars. It should hopefully be released in the next couple of months and should make flying easier.

Paul Hignett (UNI1868)

UK virtual Silver Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Great news, keep up the good work. Really is a fantastic VA and historic too which speaks volumes. I will certainly be sticking around. Thanks again.. Paul

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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