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Report #28171

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight BEL2723
Member Wil De Boer
Date 5th January 2018
Aircraft Bombardier Dash 8 Family
Flight Time 02:00:12
Landing Rate -406
Network VATSIM
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Brussels Airport (EBBR)
Arrival Geneva Cointrin International Airport (LSGG)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

fscb friday evening groupflight

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

in the flightlog at 2008 just after enable the AP the ac makes a sharp descending turn. turn off ap and recover the ac. a pss airbus fs2004 depart right behind me had the same problem. Very rare after recovering and stabelice the dash it was a nice flight.with full atc

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

Looks like airspeed dropped you into a stall. No auto-throttle on the dash so you have to be mindful of it. I tend to use MCR to ensure it doesn't lose speed on climbout. Not to worry, since it's technically a prop, I can't penalise you for stalling :)

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Tony what do you mean with using MCR????

Wil De Boer (UNI1146)

UK virtual Bronze Supporter and Pilot of this Report

Thx for response , i know no auto throttle no Autoland . But this came out off nowhere . vertical speed 2000 speed 180 on manual departing. Engaging the AP changed everything. But always difficult depart and land in a groupflight in the middel of Boeings and Airbusses.???? Huge workload

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

MCL is Max Climb Power. There are 2 buttons between the FMS' labelled MCL and MCR (Max Cruise Power) which are like semi auto-throttles. They should keep the engine power at optimal for each if you have the correct prop setting. Just make sure your condition levers are set to 900 for climb and 850 for cruise before you hit the buttons.

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