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Report #2803

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight RYR03B
Member Paul Hockney
Date 18th May 2012
Aircraft Boeing 737-800
Flight Time 01:10:08
Landing Rate -205
Network Free Flight
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Charles de Gaulle International Airport (LFPG)
Arrival Liverpool John Lennon Airport (EGGP)
[flightplan] AppVersion=9.1.40901 title=LFPG Paris Charles De Gaulle to EGGP Liverpool description=LFPG, EGGP type=IFR routetype=2 cruising_altitude=27000 departure_id=LFPG, N49* 0.59', E2* 32.87', +000392.00 departure_position=1 destination_id=EGGP, N53* 20.02', W2* 50.98', +000080.00 departure_name=Paris Charles De Gaulle destination_name=Liverpool waypoint.0=, LFPG, , LFPG, A, N49* 0.59', E2* 32.87', +000392.00, waypoint.1=LFFF, ATREX, , ATREX, I, N49* 47.12', E2* 22.12', +000000.00, waypoint.2=LFFF, VESAN, , VESAN, I, N50* 22.32', E2* 1.58', +000000.00, UT225 waypoint.3=LFFF, RATUK, , RATUK, I, N50* 39.42', E1* 38.18', +000000.00, UL613 waypoint.4=LFFF, SOVAT, , SOVAT, I, N50* 46.77', E1* 28.00', +000000.00, UL613 waypoint.5=EGTT, TEBLO, , TEBLO, I, N50* 57.25', E1* 13.35', +000000.00, UL613 waypoint.6=EGTT, SANDY, , SANDY, I, N51* 3.85', E1* 4.05', +000000.00, UL613 waypoint.7=EGTT, LAM, , LAM, V, N51* 38.77', E0* 9.10', +000000.00, UN57 waypoint.8=EGTT, WELIN, , WELIN, I, N52* 14.83', W0* 51.13', +000000.00, UN57 waypoint.9=EGTT, TIMPO, , TIMPO, I, N52* 33.53', W1* 9.83', +000000.00, UN57 waypoint.10=EGTT, TNT, , TNT, V, N53* 3.23', W1* 40.20', +000000.00, T420 waypoint.11=, EGGP, , EGGP, A, N53* 20.02', W2* 50.98', +000080.00,

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